Use "discriminated against|discriminate against" in a sentence

1. It is against federal law to discriminate against blacks.

2. We Asians definitely were (and are) discriminated against

3. Such actions disturb him, and he feels discriminated against.

4. Rigorous shift patterns allegedly discriminated against women with children.

5. Employers cannot discriminate against someone's nationality.

6. You should not discriminate against minorities.

7. It is against federal law to discriminate against someone because of religion.

8. No wonder Third World sugar producers feel discriminated against.

9. The tests discriminate unfairly against older people.

10. 19 Rigorous shift patterns allegedly discriminated against women with children.

11. The laws were used to discriminate against blacks.

12. Many companies still discriminate against the fair sex.

13. 16 Latino politicians claimed that the district boundaries discriminated against them.

14. He believes he has been discriminated against because of his sexuality.

15. Proposed ISD rules will not discriminate against small independent advisors.

16. The Commission receives inquiries from people who believe they have been discriminated against.

17. Other towns discriminated against the Braceros, barring them from restaurants and movie theaters

18. Today, these communities have no autonomy but are isolated, marginalised and discriminated against.

19. Hartman claims the new welfare laws discriminate against the poor.

20. No one shall be aggrieved , discriminated against or favoured on any of these grounds.

21. If they can't control and rule you, they'd rather have you completely discriminated against.

22. It is forbidden to discriminate against, insult, maltreat or desert mental patients.

23. It's illegal to discriminate against people on the basis of sex.

24. It is alleged that delivery and testing requirements discriminate against certain suppliers.

25. It is unjust and unlawful to discriminate against people of other races.

26. Under federal law, it is illegal to discriminate against minorities and women.

27. 18 It's illegal to discriminate against people on the basis of sex.

28. The law does not discriminate against the poor in favour of the rich.

29. Individual-oriented psychological methods, like experiments and questionnaires, often seem to discriminate against women.

30. This appears to penalise the holder of rights and discriminate against small breeders.

31. Why do so many companies think it's OK to discriminate against older people?

32. The deaf mute said the company would never discriminate against a disabled employee.

33. Batwa were discriminated against by other tribes and denied access to education and basic government services

34. Elimination of laws that discriminate against women: international human rights instruments, policy documents and mechanisms

35. He went to the industrial tribunal to seek redress for the way his employers had discriminated against him.

36. I am convinced that a ceiling on direct payments would unquestionably discriminate against large farms.

37. You know these insurance companies discriminate against old houses the way they do old people.

38. The Justice Department Cautioned employers petitioning for H-1B visas not to discriminate against U.S

39. Any society, they argue, must discriminate against impaired people to safeguard its own general social health.

40. As Polish Catholics we are offended by these insults and, not for the first time, feel discriminated against.

41. 25 He went to the industrial tribunal to seek redress for the way his employers had discriminated against him.

42. Additionally, the Fundamental Rights Agency's discrimination survey found that the Roma were discriminated against more than any other group surveyed.

43. Beaters were often discriminated against and thought of as players who only cared about themselves, thus they usually played solo

44. The answer is that we do not discriminate against anyone, even fax-toting sociopaths like Watson Weeks.

45. Nationalist Sinhalese leaders passed a number of chauvinistic laws that discriminated against Tamils in the fields of language, education and employment.

46. • Run-off elections tend to discriminate against extremist parties and favour accommodative parties aiming to construct winning coalitions.

47. Blacklists have been used for centuries as a means to identify and discriminate against undesirable individuals or organizations.

48. They are politically unpopular and discriminate against those with high borrowing commitments, such as those with large mortgages.

49. Blacklists have been used for centuries as a means to identify and discriminate against undesirable individuals or organizations

50. Blacklists have been used for centuries as a means to identify and discriminate against undesirable individuals or organizations.

51. E.ON may also discriminate against new gas-fired power plants that do not supply its downstream electricity retail affiliates.

52. At a time when there is virtually no control on the electronic media , why should the print media be discriminated against ? "

53. A Black man has filed a lawsuit against an Alameda County hotel, saying he was discriminated against and Berated by a manager while talking on the phone in the hotel’s parking lot during his

54. E.ON may also discriminate against new gas-fired power plants that do not supply its downstream electricity retail affiliates

55. He should stop coming to the House pretending to support home-owners when his policies would discriminate against them.

56. A person discriminated against in other spheres of life may be indemnified for possible loss in accordance with the Tort Liability Act.

57. ‘states should Affirmatively ban the practice’ 2 In a way that favours individuals belonging to groups known to have been discriminated against previously

58. Both county and federal governments were taking tax dollars out of my pocket and using them to discriminate against other women.

59. The Aymara are one of the largest indigenous groups in Bolivia (recently ousted president Evo Morales is a member) but they’ve long been discriminated against.

60. The proprietors have no desire to discriminate against any-one and in fact have several members of minority groups on their payroll.

61. It matches order against chaos, candor against Crypticism, and temperance against lunacy

62. The Government, NGOs and the relevant associations are endeavouring, through education and awareness programmes, to persuade people to abandon customs that discriminate against women.

63. Sometimes people resort to violence when they are oppressed, discriminated against, socially isolated, or economically deprived or when they feel that they have no control over their life.

64. Two Cameramen who are suing NBC over claims the network racially discriminated against them feel the Peacock Network has a habit of covering up the misconduct of …

65. We are against exploitation, against the sale of babies, and against forced relinquishment.

66. Article 25 Children born out of wedlock shall enjoy the same rights as children born in wedlock. No one may harm or discriminate against them.

67. When footage of Africans being discriminated against in China for their race amid the Covid-19 crisis emerged last month, it caused an awkward rupture in China-Africa relations.

68. And around the fortress is this vast field of taboo against premarital sex, against condoms, against abortion, against homosexuality, you name it.

69. They work against the clock and against the thermometer.

70. Freedom is pitted against slavery; lightness against the dark.

71. Against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat - capitalism, and against capitalism.

72. The vote went against him/against accepting the plan.

73. Men harden themselves against outer threats and against inner weaknesses, against the femininity that lurks in us.

74. Alpha-tocopherol shows broad-spectrum anti-microbial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli, against the Rifampicin-resistant, Isoniazid-resistant and multi-drugresistant strains of M tuberculosis, against Pseudomonas, against Staphylococci and against Escherichia coli.

75. Attacks against Alpha Assailants are similar to those against Assailants

76. Son set thy face against Zidon and prophesy against it.

77. 10 Against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat - capitalism, and against capitalism.

78. 25 He is adept against pace and flourishes against spin.

79. Are you running against each other or against the clock?

80. As directed actually against him and against his reigning King.